The Eternals are a highly advanced, tight-knit society, working together to observe, record, and safeguard the multiverse. However, that does not mean that this society is free of disputes, or that individual Eternals all agree with each others ideologies or methodologies. Though it is a very uncommon happening, sometimes an Eternal will defect from the society completely, heading out on their own into the multiverse. The reasons for this can be greatly varied - an irreconcileable difference in opinion, fleeing for overstepping the boundaries of the Eternals' laws, to discover the truth to a question that burns inside them - all these and more are reasons why an Eternal might choose to leave the society. These Eternals who do leave the society without permission (permission is usually only granted for 'extended leave with intent to return') are called ''Vagrants''. The Eternal society is one of peerless technological, magical, and scientific brilliance, and being a member of that society with all the knowledge that entails comes at a price - to be a Vagrant is a crime, and those who are Vagrants are sometimes hunted by bounty hunters in the employ of the Eternals, and are to be apprehended - or killed if capture is impossible - if ever encountered. If possible, the Vagrant will be re-integrated into the Eternals' society after fulfilling the punishment for their crime. The Eternals cannot afford to have their powers fall into the wrong hands, or for an Eternal to use their powers to extort wealth, commit crimes, or gather power for themselves. Nonetheless, those Eternals who do go missing generally have a good reason to be, and will take every precaution to shield themselves from the all-seeing eyes of the Eternals - and defend themselves, if it comes to that. Truth-seekers, infamous criminals, exiles, and ideological opponents - those who turn Vagrant can be some of the most intelligent and dangerous Eternals there are. They should be regarded with extreme caution.